The Many Voices of Charlie Varon
Satire, Pranks and Other Comic Bonbons

About this page
A few months ago, my friend Joe Dunn told me, "The world needs your voices, your comedy." A podcast, we decided. But, 20th century man that I am, I quickly got overwhelmed and the idea languished.
Then my friend Emily Silverman (herself an award-winning podcaster, and a millennial) told me I could just put up my audio pieces on my website. That seemed doable. I thought, One piece, once in a while, each piece less than 5 minutes. Comic bonbons. So here goes...
Comic Bonbon #1: Gunther's Dream
It's January 2021. The depth of the pandemic. The medical storytelling podcast The Nocturnists, has put out a call for dreams. Physicians should make audio recordings of their dreams and nightmares, and upload them; some will be included in an upcoming episode.
So, one day I'm talking to the podcast's host, my friend Emily Silverman (mentioned above), and she tells me they've just received this amazing dream from this German-accented physician. I didn't have the heart to tell her...
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